loQsoft products is a Quality Management System software that are developed with expertise and experiences of expert personnel. The team that developed the software has already established and supervised the quality management systems and has carried out the certification activities.

  • Different sector experience

  • System building expertise

  • Supervision expertise

  • Continuously evolving team

  • Fast and qualified service

  • Continuous improvement

The team that has developed loQsoft Quality Management Systems software consisted of people who came from the application and who had problems. That's why our products make a difference.

Our Vision

Our team, with their knowledge and skill, palys an active role in the development of our country in IT sector.

In Turkey, we dedicated ourselves in Quality softwares to become a leader by adding value to our customers in service. With the leadership in Turkey, we want to register our Quality software trade mark to entire World.

Our targets for the software we have developed:

  1. Only one loQ is enough

  2. Manage your system

Moving from these slogans, perfection has targeted.

Our Mission

WE are developing our total quality with consciousness, keeping human honor and importance in front of everything and giving confidence.

Trust and belief lies at the heart of all the relationships of loQSoft and its franchisees.

The source of this trust is the confidence that all individuals have in their work, their colleagues, and their customers.

loQsoft and its employees are the most valuable assets for loQsoft. Managers and employees at loQsoft are self-reliant people who are confident in their responsibilities, knowing their responsibilities, not only for themselves but also for the institutions and the environment.

Everyone in our team thinks what they do best, right, and best, and strives to achieve perfection. When he develops himself, it is a way of life for him to develop his environment and the institution he is in.

The individuals working in our group are different from each other in terms of their duties and responsibilities; Honor, meaning and human rights.

The privilege of being found in loQsoft is that each individual in this community has a habit of 'making a good hand out to achieve perfection'.